Reflections on 2024: Regional Fundraising Recruitment
As a specialist in regional fundraising recruitment, focusing on roles outside of London, the key takeaway for 2024 has been the central role money has played in decision-making. With the economy presenting significant challenges, many fundraising professionals are prioritising higher salaries as the rising cost of living continues to bite. At the same time, charities themselves are grappling with tighter budgets, as increased operating costs—including rising National Insurance contributions and the national minimum wage—put pressure on their spending. For recruitment, this has meant that flexibility around fees and a focus on delivering exceptional value for money have become more important than ever—a trend I expect to continue into 2025.
One positive shift on the horizon is the growing willingness of charities to embrace transferable skills as a way to address the ongoing fundraising skills gap at officer and executive levels. I believe 2025 will be a year where organisations increasingly recognise the value of bringing in fresh perspectives from other industries, helping to build the talent pipeline for the future. At the same time, we’re likely to see a rise in internal promotions, particularly at middle management levels, as organisations look to retain and develop their staff. While the desire to hire experienced fundraisers will always remain strong, these approaches will help charities attract new talent and support professional growth within their teams.
Looking Ahead to 2025
As we step into the new year, there are clear opportunities to navigate the challenges ahead. Charities that take a flexible and forward-thinking approach—whether it’s embracing transferable skills, focusing on internal development, or finding innovative ways to stretch recruitment budgets—will be well-placed to thrive.
If your organisation is looking for advice or support with regional fundraising recruitment in 2025, I’d be delighted to help. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss how we can work together to find the right talent and solutions for your team.
Emma Bell